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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mr. Sapp

Warren Sapp, where do overI begin?! Let me start by saying I've never liked you as a player, I respect you but your game isn't all that. You played at the "U" as oyu players call it and that's great but when you came to the NFL you had a good career,  to me Michael Strahan should of gotten in the HOF before you. Now that your in you still jawing that Strahan doesn't belong, why?! Is it because he played his entire career on one franchise,  (one that's well respected in the league) or because he got the sack record or is it because he's on one of the most watched talk shows on tv? Now if you ever do read this, this blog may not mean ish to you but GROW UP! Your a grown ass man and you still have issues with this man and you will never have what he has, well maybe but who am I?? Just a local blogger just stating my point of view. I do remember the old saying "jealousy gets you no where" and someone in your circle needs to tell you that but until then you will keep on mouthing off because nobody is checking for you these days.  What happened to that Inside the NFL gig on Showtime? Let's not go there, be you and you may just prosper in your life after the game. This stuff you doing makes you look silly and jealous which is a female trait. 

Now is the time to be a big man and grow up and let it go because in the end you did get in and you clearly don't have the stats to match Strahan's.


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