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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Our ppl (Blacks)

The way things are going in society today it is REALLY tough being a black figure, especially a male figure.

Is the Police who are out there to protect & serve really doing that? In light of what happened to Mike Brown & Eric Gardner this has been going on for years/centuries and it's time for us to teach and build ourselves up to the high standards that we should be.

I'm not sure if I should be afraid of my son who has NO clue on what's going on in the world today but it's up to me to teach him and pray that he takes it to heart where he may never be in that position that these men were in....Yes Trayvon should be here too...not to say his parents didn't teach him but the system clearly failed and that's a whole different topic for another day.

To me we don't have a voice like how Malcolm or Martin was before my time and I don't think we won't but it's up to every father's to teach their children on what these officers may be up to or maybe we just need to learn how not to put ourselves in situations that may turn for the worst.

Sick of reading, hearing about it but instead of burning OUR people's property we need to do things more constructive and let our voices be heard. This may be the time to strike but for now I have time to teach my son when I feel the time is right for him to hear it.

Again not all police officers are bad but I'm sure they feel different in protecting there own and that's a side I wouldn't want to be on.

I feel this will all die down until it hits home again..and I'm hoping and praying that it doesn't hit close to home

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Raising your child(ren)

Well this is something that can be looked in so may ways but I will speak on what I know.

Raising children today can be a hard thing to do depending on how you was brought up into the word but if you had/have the right parents then you to can bring your children up the same way but it can be tricky,  like say when you want to discipline your child.  Some may spank a child and in today's world that is wrong but it's a certain way (to me) spank them. (I shall not say what's right or wrong on how to do it but again everyone is different)

You basically have to raise your child(ren) with respect and self awareness these days so that they can show there future kid(s) the same way. There are to many children when they get older they feel they can talk to there parents a certain way and to me if that's not stopped at that moment then it will continue but again that's taught at an early age.

I want my children to know a lot because they are going to experience so much as they grow up and I as a parent has to be ready because a lot of things that I've experienced they will or they may see it differently than I did. There is so much that I have to be prepared for as an adult that I have to be there for them and I'm up for the challenge.

At the end of it all we as parents is there a right or wrong way to raise children. ...No it just a matter of whatever your way of raising them is your way, you can learn from other parents and that's great but to me it's all the same and you have to make sure that your child(ren) know that they will learn from it and take it with them and teach their children in the future.

I was raised a certain way and some of those ways I'm teaching my son but I gave to remember that the way I was brought up isn't the best but I have to see and know what's best for him and that he will understand and learn from it and take it with him in his life and hope that it will make him a good person in life.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A man being a man......

It's tough to be in a relationship when you can't give the other person what they want. I can respect when the other person needs to deal with his/her issues.  Men need to have things together so they can provide for the women that they are with where as women feel they sometimes don't need a man to help them out.

I truly feel for myself that since my divorce my life has crumbled and it's hard for me to get back to where I was before I was married.  It's even harder when a child is involved but to me a man needs to do what he has to do and when your in a relationship with another person it's kind of hard for that person to understand what you are going thru it makes things harder.

Some of us are set in our ways and it's hard to break them especially when we get older. To me relationship are hard when your older instead of when your young because at a young age your at the stage of finding your self or you may not be looking for a relationship.

I hope that I can be in a situation where I can give someone my all and just me being me because at this point it's tough but it's even tougher when you have a child in the picture but as I say when a child comes into the picture it changes everything and you have to shift the things you do for that child and yourself as a person becomes secondary but in they end again a man has to do what he has to may hurt the person you're seeing but if she understands then the best days can and will happen

Friday, February 7, 2014

Black History

Its that time of the year where we acknowledge Black History Month, there's a lot of ways I can go with but I'll keep it simple. I truly feel that we as a race need another month, but then again Black History to me is every day. There is so much history that 28 days isn't enough to cover it.

We have history in a lot of things over the years and the funny thing is that our youth today can't find it in a class room. Not really sure if you can find it in college but I'm sure there are some schools that teach it. I'm not mad or angry about it but our history sometimes gets over looked by a lot of other races in this world but its a race that most people fear but there's no need to fear this black race.

One thing about our history I dislike is when we go against each other to the point we are killing our race and that's part of the history I dislike,  we can havr so much more if we as a race do more than go at each other. When I went to Italy I saw so much history and I was truly in awe not knowing what color of the people that did the things I saw but it was so cherished not saying we as blacks don't and don't get me started about amazing,  wish I was able to see more and even tho I was in South Africa I felt so different,  like I've been missing something in my life,  I got to know history over there, not to say I don't know my black history here but it was different.  My wife at the time could tell you how I was, just a different man and I wish how they treat there history there would be the same here but I feel it would never be that.

Again to me MY black history is not enough for me to celebrate it in thr month of February,  I need it to be all year 365 days a year. We made history when Obama became President and that will be remembered until....who knows but to me he's walking history.  I will cherish the month but to me its more than a month.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The N word

Now this N word (nigga, nigger) is a word that has been used for a very long time since Africans been brought over here. I'm not going to get into the meaning of the word BUT it's time to put this word to rest but can we? This young generation (mostly Hispanics) use the word every day. At times I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up and get another word to use,  even white America use it too.

I blame the rap game for this N word. If rappers don't use it in there lyrics then this word wouldn't be used so much in our daily conversations. It clearly shows how powerful this rap game has become with the terms of the words we hear today (will save that for another time)

Lets get back.....this word has to be said when the moment is called for it to be used,  not to call your boy a n**** but it the right content.  Now I called a person on Twitter the N word and he took offense to it but I didn't mean it in a way that he took it, offered my apologies but he's refused so hey I have to keep it moving.  That's when I realized how powerful that word is and how one can feel about it when there being called it, to hear it, it makes me sick but to be called it is another but I wouldn't get upset by it, unless another race called me that, then I would have to put that person in his/her place.

Again time to teach our young the meaning of the word and hope that they have to mindset tonot use this word the way this young generation thinks its meant for.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mr. Sapp

Warren Sapp, where do overI begin?! Let me start by saying I've never liked you as a player, I respect you but your game isn't all that. You played at the "U" as oyu players call it and that's great but when you came to the NFL you had a good career,  to me Michael Strahan should of gotten in the HOF before you. Now that your in you still jawing that Strahan doesn't belong, why?! Is it because he played his entire career on one franchise,  (one that's well respected in the league) or because he got the sack record or is it because he's on one of the most watched talk shows on tv? Now if you ever do read this, this blog may not mean ish to you but GROW UP! Your a grown ass man and you still have issues with this man and you will never have what he has, well maybe but who am I?? Just a local blogger just stating my point of view. I do remember the old saying "jealousy gets you no where" and someone in your circle needs to tell you that but until then you will keep on mouthing off because nobody is checking for you these days.  What happened to that Inside the NFL gig on Showtime? Let's not go there, be you and you may just prosper in your life after the game. This stuff you doing makes you look silly and jealous which is a female trait. 

Now is the time to be a big man and grow up and let it go because in the end you did get in and you clearly don't have the stats to match Strahan's.


Monday, January 27, 2014


What's up ppl its all about me.  Trying to do this Blog thing. I may be corrected or out of line but at the enf og the day it's my words, views and uf u don't like it then sorry but if u do then it's a good thing.

Enjoy the ride.........