Well this is something that can be looked in so may ways but I will speak on what I know.
Raising children today can be a hard thing to do depending on how you was brought up into the word but if you had/have the right parents then you to can bring your children up the same way but it can be tricky, like say when you want to discipline your child. Some may spank a child and in today's world that is wrong but it's a certain way (to me) spank them. (I shall not say what's right or wrong on how to do it but again everyone is different)
You basically have to raise your child(ren) with respect and self awareness these days so that they can show there future kid(s) the same way. There are to many children when they get older they feel they can talk to there parents a certain way and to me if that's not stopped at that moment then it will continue but again that's taught at an early age.
I want my children to know a lot because they are going to experience so much as they grow up and I as a parent has to be ready because a lot of things that I've experienced they will or they may see it differently than I did. There is so much that I have to be prepared for as an adult that I have to be there for them and I'm up for the challenge.
At the end of it all we as parents is there a right or wrong way to raise children. ...No it just a matter of whatever your way of raising them is your way, you can learn from other parents and that's great but to me it's all the same and you have to make sure that your child(ren) know that they will learn from it and take it with them and teach their children in the future.
I was raised a certain way and some of those ways I'm teaching my son but I gave to remember that the way I was brought up isn't the best but I have to see and know what's best for him and that he will understand and learn from it and take it with him in his life and hope that it will make him a good person in life.