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Friday, February 7, 2014

Black History

Its that time of the year where we acknowledge Black History Month, there's a lot of ways I can go with but I'll keep it simple. I truly feel that we as a race need another month, but then again Black History to me is every day. There is so much history that 28 days isn't enough to cover it.

We have history in a lot of things over the years and the funny thing is that our youth today can't find it in a class room. Not really sure if you can find it in college but I'm sure there are some schools that teach it. I'm not mad or angry about it but our history sometimes gets over looked by a lot of other races in this world but its a race that most people fear but there's no need to fear this black race.

One thing about our history I dislike is when we go against each other to the point we are killing our race and that's part of the history I dislike,  we can havr so much more if we as a race do more than go at each other. When I went to Italy I saw so much history and I was truly in awe not knowing what color of the people that did the things I saw but it was so cherished not saying we as blacks don't and don't get me started about amazing,  wish I was able to see more and even tho I was in South Africa I felt so different,  like I've been missing something in my life,  I got to know history over there, not to say I don't know my black history here but it was different.  My wife at the time could tell you how I was, just a different man and I wish how they treat there history there would be the same here but I feel it would never be that.

Again to me MY black history is not enough for me to celebrate it in thr month of February,  I need it to be all year 365 days a year. We made history when Obama became President and that will be remembered until....who knows but to me he's walking history.  I will cherish the month but to me its more than a month.