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Saturday, June 18, 2016


Haven't blog in quite some time but what has bothered me is all these reports on what's going on with our children. It's sad that we live in a social media world and we as parents need to take the time out and watch our kids. We are to busy looking at our smartphones, iPhone and what not and not paying close attention to our children. I'm not going to get into what happened in Orlando not saying that the parent wasn't watching his child but we need to be more focous and pay attention to our surroundings as parents. Nobody wants to lose their child like such but it's a constant reminder that we as parents MUST pay attention to our children and our surroundings at ALL TIMES so situations like this don't happen even the child who wandered into the zoo (and I'm not sure of the whole story) we need to pay attention. It's time to wake up parents and keep and eye on your children. I'm getting to emotional about this.......